Young possum on a fence.
We were down at Phillip island and this fella skittered up and down the
fence presumably wondering if we had hidden any fruit in the shrubbery.

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Young possum on a fence (2).
Confidence vs: Curiosity.. "Will I jump on him?"...

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Photographed by a friend and brought in for a touch up. Beautiful.

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A Black Faced Wallaby, caught out behind the Grampians; we certainly have each-others attention.

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Woodlands Historic Park, ..look, catchlights!.

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Melbourne City dwelling possum.

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Wallabies at Ventnor (1)
Wallabies at Ventnor (1)

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Wallabies at Ventnor (2)
Wallabies at Ventnor (2)

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Wallabies at Ventnor (3)
Wallabies at Ventnor (3)

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Wallabies at Ventnor (4)
Wallabies at Ventnor (4)

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Ring-Tailed Possum
Ring-Tailed Possum

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Out There 4x4 Warragul Mark A. Biggs, Author